In October, an interesting game went into Early Access: RAILROADS Online! An open-world physics simulator that will allow everyone to transport goods, keep the rail network up to date and expand it, and manage the vehicles themselves!
The aim of the game is to make sure that the huge game world is well interconnected. Tracks, switches, turntables, bridges - all tools that help you to curve around the large forests, cross the ravines and bridge the rivers. But operating buildings and other infrastructure must also be built along the route.
And the trains can also be controlled themselves! Many controllers, valves, ... are fully functional and increase the fun of transporting coal, ores, logs and much more!
The game can be played in both multi- and single-player mode. It costs 29.99€ on Steam - but you have to keep in mind that bugs can occur, as it is an Early Access game. The reviews speak a different language: at the time of writing, 81% of the 1,019 reviews are positive!
Do you already have the game in your inventory? If so, how do you like it?
Link: (Steam) RAILROADS Online!
(c) Stefan Kelnberger
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